Let us take you on a journey to teach you about the history of our parents and close ones, who moved to foreign countries in hopes of finding a better life.

This blog was created for those who are interested in learning about family, cultural and mostly Vietnamese origins. Here you will get a chance to read stories of people who left their home back in Vietnam and came to Czechia and much more about Vietnamese heritage.

This project deals with the lack of information that some of young people have regarding their parent’s immigrant background. By sharing stories about our culture, we hope to connect more people together and underline the importance of knowing the history of (y)our culture. With this project we aspire to pass these stories on future generations.

By learning and understanding the history of our roots, we believe it is fundamental for shaping our future world.

„Don’t forget that the culture that is going to survive in the future is the culture that you can carry around in your head.“ – Nam June Paik